"The Black Market is an exploration of the desire and drive caused by commercialization and the designer product. The show will highlight the gap between the promised utopian ideal of designer perfection and the reality of everyday existence."
Featured in the show will be paintings by Semple, clothing and objects by Ju$t Another Rich Kid, as well as works by the following artists and designers: Carlo Zanni, Mattia Biaggi, Adham Faramawy, Alex McQuilkin, Craig Wilson, Cory Ingram, the launch of The Playground Project, and a custom soundtrack by London Nu Ravers, Warboy and K-tron.
The installation will be held at The Anna Kustera Gallery (521 West 21st Street) in Chelsea. The opening is Saturday 2nd June 2007 and the show will run until 6th July.
And don't miss the after party with the Nu Rave crew All You Can Eat, featuring the music of Warboy and K-tron. Finally, the London Nu Rave sound will hit New York. Venue and details to follow.
Finally, checkout this viral video London video artist Adham Faramawy created to promote the show.
Labels: anna kustera, black market, exhibition, ju$t another rich kid