
I’m so excited to have been invited to Denver by CultureHaus this month!

First up on the 29th September I’ll be speaking about my process, influences and art experiences at the museum.

I’ve been busy collaborating with the lovely guys at Jealous this week on some special screenprints that will be for sale at the event with all proceeds to benefit the Denver Art Museum. I’ll post a picture of those when they are done.

You can find out more on the museum event here:

And then on the 1st of October we will be having a late night party at Lane Meyer Projects  and adjoining Pon Pon bar.

I’m going to recreate#MyHappyPlace installation from last years project at Coventry Center For Contemporary Art. 

Self portrait as a young unicorn (Stuart Semple, 2015) from Stuart Semple on Vimeo.

Basically, I’m taking my Disco Unicorn with me! And I’m going to be showing some new works on paper for one night only!

I’m really looking forward to meeting everyone.

See you soon!

Stuart 🙂

p.s – Thank you Katie Kruger xxx


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