Stuart Semple has created a series of 5 brand new browser-based internet artworks.
The five websites are being auctioned online here if you wish to bid for one.
ANDYFOR15MINUTES.CO.UK, website, Stuart Semple, 2015, website, 2015, website, Stuart Semple 2015, website, Stuart Semple 2015, website, Stuart Semple 2015
The ‘Born Digital’ series fuses Semple’s tongue in cheek humour, use of colour and collage with a critical and sometimes satirical look at art histories and ideas around authorship and ownership. These browser-based pieces question the impact of the web upon images and their audience, whilst taking a wry look at the social media generation. The very act of auctioning these works here is a conceptual questioning of how digital artworks can be distributed and sold.
Over recent years there has been a significant movement in internet and digital art. Even international auction house Philips have dedicated an auction to it, auctioning an animated .gif. Stuart Semple has always been one of the pioneering online art contributors, having been one of the first artists to embrace the internet. In 1999 he started to auction is original paintings on eBay (selling thousands worldwide over the next few years). Subsequently he went on to be the first artist to make an entire body of digital multimedia work available to download through iTunes.
Whist many artists have been exploring the idea of the web as a medium in it’s own right, this series of websites marks an evolution. We believe that ‘Born Digital’ is the first time in history that an artist has used the internet to make the ownership of the internet available to the users of the internet. The entire process of creating, displaying and ultimately selling the work is online. These are the first pieces of browser based public art to be auctioned on eBay.
You can read more about the experiment here:
Want to buy some digital art? Just head to eBay
Stuart Semple is selling five browser-based websites on the auction site:
Dazed Digital: